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Day Seven


Recording Day #7
First song on the car radio: Middle of the Road by The Pretenders… an omen?
We’ve found a great breakfast place down the road from the studio that has a pretty great huevos rancheros. To find the perfect huevos rancheros could be my life’s aim so i was happy about this. That is really why we came to Texas to make this record*
It has pretty much eclipsed the rest of my day**
Other than that, today we recorded a song called The Kids Will Get the Money. It has some real nasty sounding bass on it…which in a way i find pleasing. But that’s just me.
Paul and John, our Producifer, as he will be known from here on in, have sparked quite the nerd brotherhood. We had to stop recording today so that they could observe the Transit of Venus in the 35 degree heat of the Dallas sun. See for yourself here.

*This may or may not be true.
** This also may or may not be true.

Day Six


I woke today with some great news, and also Wilco: ‘Dawned on Me’ on the radio so I had a good feeling going into the studio today after another tough day of blisters and drums yesterday!
We tracked a song which is the last one to be written for the record… at the moment (you never know when PD is going to come up with lyrics for another)
I also picked up a book that was sitting in the studio call ‘Our Noise: The Story of Merge Records’ and started reading it. Inspiring book as it re-tells the story of a couple of people starting up a band (Superchunk) and a record label (Merge). It took me back to when PD and I used to trade tapes at high school (He gave me Superchunk and I gave him Bad Religion) and then we started this band.
Now we’re in Texas making a record all these years later and it still feels brand new…

Day Five


Recording Day #5: First random song on the car stereo this morning: Shock the Monkey by Peter Gabriel… an omen?
We tackled a couple of very new songs… very new as in, not really finished. Well they’re finished now. The newest things always feel the most exciting. The usual studio cabin fever has started to set in… it’s usually right about now that everybody starts talking in stupid voices and sharing every idiotic thought out loud and we’re pretty much right on target…

Day Four


Recording Day #4
First random song on the car radio this morning: Candy by Iggy Pop & Kate Pierson…an omen?
Finished yesterday’s difficult number and moved onto a track called ‘Private Rain’ upon which the awesome saucer landed… Then moved on to a very new song which we’d never really played before and took us a little by surprise.
Dallas is also surprising. Today the city held their annual ‘Slut Walk’ where thousands of women gather to promote women’s rights and protest sexual assault – a tongue in cheek poke at the old adage that women should avoid dressing like sluts in order to avoid victimization.
I’m really enjoying the different sides of the city. Food highlight today was an incredible vegan place called The Spiral Diner. And the Mexican candy that I picked up at the Beer Store in Oak Cliff.

Day Three


Some songs that you think will be easy to track turn out not to be so easy and this, my friends, was the theme today. The song is called… well you don’t need to know that yet… but do know that it’s not yet recorded. But also know that I did accomplish something today. I started a twitter account. I also started one for Steph…without telling her.
Follow me @clinthyndman and follow her @Stephanie_SFK
Vote 1 Rhythm Section.
Enjoy CH

Day Two


First random song on the car stereo today: Neil Young and Crazy Horse. An Omen?…. Fuzz-pedal face-off. First basic track done. Sleep now. PD

Day One










Day One:
Storms, lightning  and  a balmy, southern 36 degrees.

First song on the car radio this morning: Wild Child by W.A.S.P followed by Pantera… an omen?A little metal  wasn’t a bad thing as we left downtown Dallas for the wider, bleached roads of little Mexico. All still dealing with boring jetlag.The studio is great and very relaxed. There are some good things about making your 6th record. We talked a little about previous records, played a little etc etc. Got a good veggie burger which made a nice change from all the Tex Mex (not that I’m complaining). Took delivery of a rather nice 1971 Mustang bass, a pretty good day all in all. We’ll get to the serious stuff tomorrow. Producer John has a sick cat. I can sympathise. Clint can’t get happy with the coffee… He’s a bit fancy like that.


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